Our services for your successful agile transformation



Agile Transformation: Zwei Frauen in einer Beratungssituation, wobei auch agile Methoden zum Einsatz kommen

Agile transformation in the enterprise

We understand agility primarily as a cultural change towards a customer and innovation-oriented organization based on cross-functional collaboration and continuous improvement.

The pragmatic use of agile methods can support this but is never the goal, the goal is the development of your agile corporate culture.

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The Consileon Agility Service Portfolio

No matter if you want to get a taste of “agile air” for the first time or if you have already agilized entire business units: We support you along the entire path of your agile transformation. Our focus is always on your managers, teams and employees.

1. Understand agility

Agile Transformation: Anwendung agiler Methoden in einer Besprechung

1. Agile basic training

2. Agile leadership training

3. Decision-making workshop: Agile, yes or no?

4. Agile Team KickOff


2. Applying agile frameworks

Agiles portfolio: Team am Brainstorming während eines Meetings wobei die agile Technik Kanban zum Einsatz kommt

1. Scrum training

2. Kanban training

3. Design Thinking training

4. Lean startup training

5. DevOps training

6. SAFe training




3. Empowering people

Agiles Portfolio: Zwei Frauen arbeiten zusammen in einem Team, wobei eine davon primär beratend tätig ist

1. Workshop: Agile leadership team

2. Coaching: Leadership in the agile context

3. Product Owner / Scrum Master coaching

4. Agile team development

5. Series of workshops: Learning self-organization

6. Agile mindset training


4 Shaping agile transformation

Alle Zuhörer strecken ihre Hände hoch um Moderator auf der Bühne nachzumachen. Dies soll als Symbolbild für eine agile Transformation dienen

1. Agile Readiness Check

2. Series of workshops: Agile goal setting

3. Series of workshops: Agile organization design

4. Support: Agile culture development

5. Training: Agile Change Management

6. Establishment of an internal agile competence center

5. Managing agile organizations

Agile transformation: Mann hält Kompass mit Strand im Hintergrund

1. Accompaniment: Agile scaling

2. Introduction: Agile multi-project / program management

3. Introduction: Bottleneck Management

4. Introduction: Agile KPIs and objectives & key results (OKR)

You have further questions? Our agilists will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation in a personal meeting:

Our expert for agility

Gesa-Luise Rittinghaus

Management diagnostics, executive coaching, support of agile transitions

Principal at Consileon
+49 721 35460-80

Are you looking for support? - Do not hesitate to contact us!

We deliver cross-technology solutions for our customers – from innovation to implementation.

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