New partnership with Findalyze

We are expanding our portfolio to include the Findalyze scanning software for detecting vulnerabilities in the area of cyber security.

Cyber Security Webinar

Is your company IT-secure? 

The cyber threat has never been so high. Our cyber security expert Andreas Grau would like to hold regular free webinars to inform about the current threat situation and countermeasures.

Cyber threat from suppliers is underestimated

Find out why companies with Russian business connections should be particularly vigilant and how to determine whether your company’s cyber protection is adequate in this article.

hacking_cyber problems

Warning against cyber attacks on media

Cyber security expert, Jan Oetting, suspects that one pillar of critical infrastructure in particular is at risk: communications and media. He explains here why we should protect this area particularly well against hacker attacks.

Russicher Cyber Hacker greift westliche Banken an nach dem Russland SWIFT-Ausschluss

“Russia has the world’s best hackers.”

Jan Oetting is considered a SWIFT expert and has already spoken recently about the consequences of Russia’s possible exclusion from the global financial communication system SWIFT. This interview looks at the dangers of Russian cyber attacks.

Weltweite zahlung SWIFT und SWIFT-Ausschluss von Russland

What would be the consequences of Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT?

In order to avert a military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, there is a threat to exclude Russia from the global financial communication system SWIFT. The U.S. is in the process of introducing legislation on specific financial sanctions. But why does the U.S. have such a hold on SWIFT in the first place? How hard would this sanction actually hit Russia? And what would it mean for Europe?

Healthcare Business Graph und Medizinische Untersuchung und Geschäftsmann Analyse von Daten und Wachstum Diagramm auf blauen Hintergrund

ISMS for hospitals (B3S)

In order to meet regulatory requirements, more and more companies, even small and medium-sized ones, have to introduce an information security management system – ISMS for short. Consileon is happy to support you!

Cybersecurity kaputtes glass

Cybersecurity during the Corona Crisis

The most important factor for security in the network is and remains the person himself. We would like to give employees and employers a few quick wins that can make daily work in the home office significantly safer.

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