Digitization – can it be done without risk?

Cyber security is our specialty: With the right security strategy, we increase the efficiency of your IT.


Make security your IT strategy.

The consequential damages of the heist of 77 million user accounts at the electronics company Sony in April 2011 amounted to several billion euros. Hacked servers paralyzed the entire digital work of Berlin ministries in 2018. Politically motivated hackers like Anonymus and Lulzsec show companies and organizations who is pulling the strings: Those who know IT and its security inside out.
It’s better to be one of them – and take control of your IT security right from the start.

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The heart of your digitization: the security strategy.

That’s why every digitization project needs a security strategy – right from the start. It saves you uncontrollable costs and sleepless nights. When developing your IT strategy, we immediately plan your “security network”. Experience shows that insecure systems can only be protected at great expense, later on, so we take the security factor into account as early as the software selection stage.

IT security is not a measure, but a process.

However, a custom-fit IT security strategy is not a one-time step. IT security is a process that begins with the choice of software and extends over its entire useful life. The final IT risk can only be eliminated if all your employees consistently apply the security strategy once it has been defined. Our experts are also happy to support you in setting up a certifiable ISMS (Information Security Management System).

The greater risk is no digitization.

Nevertheless, security concerns are not a reason not to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization and the associated increase in efficiency. SMEs cannot escape the “Industry 4.0” megatrend, which envisages the digital upgrading and networking of all machines and products. Industry 4.0 is the opportunity for businesses to maintain and expand their leading market position.

So before you let risks slow you down, get in touch with us!
We will develop a customized IT security strategy that will enable you to improve your competitive position without risk.
Plan for IT risks. Then they won’t happen.

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Cyber Security Focus Topics

Security for your system: analyze, develop, tailor protection

We take a strategic approach to securing your IT. We analyze the digital processes in your company and determine your individual protection needs. Our customized defense mechanisms are multifaceted and provide you with all-round protection.

Among other things, Consileon is listed as a Cyber Security Service Provider for Payment Security at SWIFT*.

Your No. 1 IT security tool: Responsibility.

First, we clarify the responsibilities in your company: Who will ensure that the strategy is enforced? Without consistent application, even the best security strategy is of no use. Only when your employees are aware of the higher vulnerability of IT-enhanced machines and products will everyone apply the company’s IT security strategy.


We secure your IT and network…


…with a fault-tolerant system.

There will always be attacks, including some that successfully penetrate the system. However, secure software reports the error early on and limits the attack to the end device that was hacked. A negative example is the German parliament three years ago. A virus in the network paralyzed the system for three days. If the virus had not gotten past the hacked end device, everyone else would have been able to continue working normally. We put a limit on hackers with a system that only lets the damage get to it in a limited way.


…with a customized ISMS.

An information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 enables you to systematically identify your specific security risks and defend against the multitude of possible attacks. Critical to the success of your ISMS is its alignment with your industry, culture, and operations. Good alignment makes the difference between your security measures just slowing down internal processes and eating up resources, and the security measures supporting them.

We serve on ISACA‘s committees so that smaller companies can benefit from professional security management.


… with system testing

Mit regelmäßige Sicherheitskontrollen vermeiden Sie unkontrollierbare Kosten. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre IT-Sicherheit immer weiter zu verbessern. Deshalb prüfen unsere zertifizierten Experten Ihre Systeme regelmäßig mit aktuellen Standards. Wir bieten:

  • SWIFT Cybersecurity Assessment for your SWIFT connection
  • ISMS Audit
  • Penetration test
  • Red and blue team exercises
  • Vulnerability assessment

Many business processes can only be mapped accurately with specially developed software. However, custom software is often considered error-prone and slower than prefabricated products. With system tests, we minimize your risk and make your custom software more and more stable step by step.

Whether classical, iterative-incremental, or agile: We offer the appropriate test procedure for every software development process model. We design a test concept and methodology, set up the test department for you, perform functional and load tests, and check the automation. Together with you, our certified testers define the strategy, describe the test cases and the individual test steps.

We then document the test process. The result is a quality-assured, robust software that optimally supports your day-to-day business.

Cyber security


…with secure log-ins:

How and when do you grant access to your server and system? How can you include security as a checkup? We develop a procedure that fits your system and processes, leaves enough room for maneuver, and protects sensitive data.


…with digital protection 

When which system has to be checked and how, and what to do if an employee finds security gaps we define this process in detail with you. We then map the process digitally to ensure that everything works as planned. This way, employees are automatically reminded of what they need to check, how to turn off gaps, and how to report back that they have done so. We build these so-called workflow systems for security management individually for you. They are not only a good reminder mechanism for employees, but also serve as evidence for supervisory authorities.


… with research such as our studies on “Cloud Computing”.

More and more companies are developing and operating their IT systems externally. Cloud services that offer standard software for many business processes on a rental basis are currently in particularly high demand. Their great advantage is that the scope of use can be adapted to requirements at short notice. The disadvantage, however, is that there are still no security standards for cloud computing. But we are working on it: Consileon is participating in a project of the Institute for Business Informatics at the Technical University of Berlin to build secure cloud solutions.

*Disclaimer: SWIFT does not certify, warrant, endorse or recommend any of the service providers listed in the Directory. SWIFT customers are not obligated to use the providers listed in the directory.

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Head of Cyber Security at Consileon

Portrait von Andreas Grau

The significance of cyber security is still not high enough in German companies. Fear of horrendous cyber security costs often keeps companies from investing in their own continued existence. Why exactly should it hit you? Fingers crossed that nothing happens. Do you know how long your systems can stand still without the threat of bankruptcy? We show you individually existing dangers and what you can do to make your company future-proof without burdening the operative business with disproportionate measures.

Andreas Grau
Head of Cyber Security, Computer Scientist
+49 1522 2877014

Are your data and internal IT systems secure?

We help you develop a digital security strategy that is right for you.

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