Actively shaping change – and living it together
The holistic view counts: A variety of transformation drivers lead to changes that must not only be implemented and designed in the process organizations, but for which, above all, the employees must be successfully brought along. During significant changes, people go through different phases of an emotional process. That is why their targeted support and motivation are particularly important success factors for us: The will to shape and change must be encouraged, and sometimes worries or fears must be allayed. Our consultants accompany your employees as well as group dynamic change processes from the very beginning and adapt the change design we have developed according to the situation. Openness to change: Communication plays an elementary role for us to create transparency, to dissolve any resistance, to drive processes and integration. We make complex and dynamic transformation projects comprehensible and transparent. Through active participation, we ensure broad acceptance and joint identification.
Change as a permanent process: Our mindset
What does change actually have to do with us as a consulting firm? A lot – or rather everything! Because only those who remain open to new things, constantly question themselves as consultants and reflect on their own actions can drive change and initiate creative solutions.
Our systemic approach helps us to perceive and shape dynamic processes. We create space for trust, for participation and provide orientation for alternative solution options. In doing so, our view is always appreciative and solution-oriented. Learning never stops for us and shapes our corporate culture: For Consileon, the focus is not only on individual learning, but on learning from each other. Through reflection work, we become more aware of our own abilities and can use them in a more goal-oriented way. We train our consultants both internally and externally. We are not primarily concerned with obtaining certificates and degrees. The focus is rather on the concrete application and (experience) of an agile and systemic way of thinking and acting. We see this as a clear added value for our customers.
Time for change – our agile methods & tools
If you want to actively tackle change, you need new ways of thinking and innovative tools. In an extremely dynamic and complex environment, mechanistic methods and traditional ways of working according to sequential linear steps towards a predefined solution no longer work. Effective approaches and tools like these have long been our method:
- Design Thinking: Here, the focus is on innovation and the customer journey in order to develop creative product, service or sales ideas.
- Agile projects: Clearly defined roles and sprint-oriented planning ensure rapid implementation.
- Systemic approach: Here, everything revolves around the development of change processes from within, i.e. from within the company.
- Operating Model: Processes as well as business workflows are modeled with regard to the end-to-end perspective according to our Consileon methodology.

Learn more in our brochure on Change Management and Agile Transformation. (*only available in German)