Where to put all the managers when everyone is supposed to manage themselves?

In the SAFe universe, there are very clearly described role models and the associated responsibilities. In the distribution of roles (especially in large corporations), a balancing act must be mastered within the transition from the waterfall model to agile working methods. In particular, the balancing act of meeting the job description, line task, and new SAFe role is considered a success factor in professional circles.

Another challenge is to proactively shape the role and tasks of managers while considering the respective implications. These implications range from pay scales or development paths to disciplinary responsibility.

Within SAFe, there is no classic leadership role and the aforementioned implications are hardly addressed in the US-influenced model.

So where to put all those executives?

SAFe® – Learn more at our workshop on SAFe with Gesa Luise Rittinghaus at the Scaling Agile Summit 2021.

We are giving away two tickets to the Scaling Agile Summit 2021.