How to achieve end-to-end digitization of claims processing to retain customers while reducing costs
From Insurance Industry 3/2021
By Ralf Bocken, Dr. Peter von Koppenfels and Raphael Kellner
Claims processing holds great potential for customer loyalty and cost reduction. A claim is usually an exceptional negative event for customers and often highly emotional. Particularly in the area of claims settlement, therefore, insurance companies have the opportunity to surprise their customers in a positive way by allaying their fears and anxieties, communicating clearly and, above all, creating fast and comprehensible processes.
From Consileon’s experience, the full benefits of digitization for insurers and customers can only be unlocked if not only the front end, but the entire process and especially all back-office processes are digitized end-to-end. The key advantages are:
- Increase cost efficiency
- Reduction of processing times
- Optimization of machining quality.
For more information, see this month’s Insurance Industry article, which you can download as a reprint here. (The article is in German.)