ESG stands for ‘Environmental, Social, and Governance’. These are criteria that investors and companies use to assess the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment or a company. These three key factors play a decisive role in the assessment of long-term risks and opportunities.

The integration of ESG criteria into investment decisions has become increasingly important in recent years as more and more investors recognise the long-term benefits of sustainable and ethically responsible companies.

The financial industry is actively engaged in the fight against climate change and has established sustainability as an essential part of its practices. The ‘ESG Transformation Award’ recently honoured outstanding initiatives.

About the award

The ESG Transformation Award was created to recognise and highlight world-class ESG initiatives in the financial services industry. The aim is to showcase the positive impact of these initiatives and to inspire and motivate the community through transparency.

Outstanding projects will be honoured at a gala evening. In addition, an exchange of experts will be facilitated to provide valuable impetus for the further development of the ESG roadmap. The awards are presented by a high-calibre, independent jury of experts who take all three sustainability dimensions into account. The assessment is scientifically based and fair, whereby the company is considered as a whole.

The awards are presented in four categories:

  1. Transformation of the organisation – Which companies have a clear strategy as well as structured planning and implementation for the sustainable transformation of their own organisation?
  2. Transformation financing – Which ideas and products contribute to the financing of a sustainable organisation of companies, industries and society?
  3. Impact investing – Which companies offer sustainable investment products with clearly defined sustainability goals?
  4. Change Enabler – Which initiatives offer innovative approaches to support transformation projects?

Information on this year’s winners can be found here:

Since the first ESG Award was presented in April 2023, a community concept has been pursued that promotes dialogue and networking between the award winners and participants. This includes individual feedback sessions and other formats that will be continued as part of the ESG Transformation Awards 2024.

‘The evening clearly showed: The financial world is determined to drive sustainable change,’ summarised Ralph Hientzsch, initiator of the ESG Transformation Award and Managing Director of Consileon Frankfurt.

The presentation of the ESG Transformation Award emphasises the growing responsibility and ambition of the financial sector to actively promote sustainability and shape a sustainable future.