The current business model of many corporate banks requires significant changes due to radically new regulations, technologies, customer expectations and adjusted economic conditions. Corporate banking must face the following key challenges:  

  • The service and consulting spectrum must be clearly aligned with the target customers 
  • Outsourcing and cooperations should improve the customer experience 
  • E2E digitization should be ensured 
  • By evaluating transaction data and customer profiles, processes are geared more closely to the customer
  • Employees are the key to a successful transformation 
  • Cost transparency and analysis of expense drivers 

With the Consileon Target Operating Model (TOM), Consileon supports banks in optimally adapting to the corporate banking of the future. This is achieved by developing a clear demand-driven strategy that focuses on the customer and describes the blueprint for building a flexible and future-proof operating model. On this basis, a transformation roadmap can be derived to bundle the ongoing but partially fragmented initiatives into a powerful program. Crucial to this is the change management competence of the corporate bank, as the frequency of the necessary adjustments is more likely to increase than decrease in the coming years.