Together with Kinderhilfe Diekholzen, Consileon once again donated 100 comfort teddies to the paediatric ward of the municipal hospital in Karlsruhe this year.

Comforters for little patients

The cuddly companions play an important role in recovery. They comfort the children during examinations and treatments and bring a smile to their faces. In this way, the teddies also relieve the nursing staff, who have had to work under difficult conditions over the past two years due to the coronavirus pandemic. Kinderhilfe Diekholzen supplies children’s hospitals, children’s homes, children’s hospices and emergency services throughout Germany with donated comfort teddies. These are about 30 cm tall, suitable for children, machine washable, CE-certified and free from harmful substances. For hygienic reasons, they are individually wrapped in foil.

Presentation of the donation by Julia Orth, Marketing Manager at Consileon.

Through this fundraising campaign, the Consileon Group is continuing its long-standing support for various regional, national and international projects that help children in need. Further information on our social commitment can be found at

We would like to thank Kinderhilfe Diekholzen for awarding us the donation certificate.